On the ocassion of the Montessori Europe Annual Congress in 2023 and in collaboration with @collaborativemontessori, our amazing Hannah delivered an inspirational workshop entitled “Solidarity through Sustainability” in Gdansk – Poland.
The workshop aim was to explore ways to expose young children to big ideas and real-life experiences, both within and outside of their own cultures and communities, as well as to reflect and discuss how to nurture our little ones into being responsible and respectful citizens of the world, equipped to care and respect others and celebrate our planet 🌎
We are incredibly fortunate to have such an incredibly passionate team💛💛!
Unity Montessori gets OMEP-UK Education for Sustainable Citizenship Bronze Level Award!

We are very happy to share some good news: Unity Montessori has been awarded the OMEP-UK Education for Sustainable Citizenship Bronze Level Award!
At Unity, we believe in promoting a more sustainable and just world. Last term and before lockdown, we enjoyed sharing new projects with the children, which helped them understand more about recycling, caring for their environment, conservation projects and ways to care for each other too.
Within Unity, we believe in promoting an environmentally sustainable and socially just world for the future. We believe that children should be able to live healthy and fulfilled lives in a thriving environment, and we also believe that what the youngest of children experience and learn today can shape the way in which future generations live.
Undertaking this award has helped us to promote important messages to the children, as we care for wildlife, think about composting and re-using materials. This, in turn, has fostered new knowledge and wisdom and some beautiful junk-modelling creations too! We have thought about ways to be creative and kind and have planted and cared for plants and insects. We have supported children in re-using and re-purposing materials, which has enhanced their critical thinking, teamwork and empathy skills too. We hope the children will continue to think about these skills and values, so that in time our children will become part of a better and more sustainable future.
We would like to thank all of our families for their continued commitment to the nursery, our ethos and philosophy. Thank you for sharing in the ‘i-care’ statements with the children, and for the items donated to us from seeds, to books to carboard boxes – they have all helped us to succeed in gaining this award!