Take it from Paula Woodman, Montessorian of the Year 2017!

When asking for advice about how to spread the word about our new nursery, most friends tell us that word of mouth is the best recommendation. When the person doing the recommendation happens to be our mentor, Paula Woodman, owner of Woodentots Montessori and Montessorian of the Year 2017, we hope it’ll go some way in establishing our bona fides. 

In a recent letter to parents, Paula wrote:

“Alex has exciting news, she is opening her own new nursery in September. She started out in 2011 as my student and has brought enormous creativity, dedication and passion to Woodentots. We will miss her dearly but of course wish her every success. “Fly butterfly fly, you’ve got to spread your wings.””

We felt touched by this, and asked Paula whether we could share it as a testimonial of sorts. She was even more generous in her reply:

“Alex trained under Woodentots Montessori School, she worked her way up to become Manager. The natural step was for her to open her own school. Alex is a dedicated Montessorian with a passion for creativity. I’m in no doubt that her school will excel and any child lucky enough to go to Unity Montessori will build sound foundations for life.”

Thank you Paula!

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