Take it from Paula Woodman, Montessorian of the Year 2017!

When asking for advice about how to spread the word about our new nursery, most friends tell us that word of mouth is the best recommendation. When the person doing the recommendation happens to be our mentor, Paula Woodman, owner of Woodentots Montessori and Montessorian of the Year 2017, we hope it’ll go some way in establishing our bona fides.  Continue reading “Take it from Paula Woodman, Montessorian of the Year 2017!”

Vertical grouping activities in Open Day

In our Open Day today in Woodside Park, it was all about planting and painting. Children of different ages (vertical grouping) spent quite a lot of time outside, painting and engaged in planting. Wonderful to see their skills, and how easy and quickly they took to it.


In future events we shall introduce music and languages, and other exciting activities. Enrolment is open, there are still some places left, so parents are encouraged to join us in our next Open Day on 24 June 2017 from 11am. Do visit our Facebook page for an introductory promotional discount.