2018: New Beginnings…

It seems incredible to us at Unity, that only a year ago we started with three children.

This year commenced with fourteen children, and we are rapidly approaching full capacity. We believe that this is merely a reflection of the work that we are doing. Better than blowing our own trumpet is, of course, the feedback we get from the children at Unity, and from their parents. A new parent wrote very recently:

Best nursery we could have for our boy. He loves to go there and I would love to go there too 🙂 the teachers are ?

Posted by Inga Liepa on Wednesday, 3 October 2018

We think there is no better assessment than happy and engaged children, looking forward to come to Unity everyday. It is a great pleasure, and a big responsibility for us educators, to continue looking for ways to keep the children interested, eager and willing to develop their learning appetite. As Maria Montessori would say: “We discovered that education is not something which the teacher does, but that it is a natural process which develops spontaneously in the human being.

We must say a big thanks to all the families that have entrusted Unity for the most extraordinary of tasks: continue fostering the spontaneous development of their children!

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